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*Meisarah Sabrina Arifianty  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik UNDIP, Indonesia
Rani Rumita  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik UNDIP, Indonesia

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Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) adalah salah satu indikator pengukur performa mesin yang banyak diterapkan para pelaku industri di dunia. Overall Equipment Ejéctiveness (OEE) merupakan metode pengukuran efektivitas penggunaan peralatan dalam penerapan program Total  Productive Maintenance (TPM). Metode ini telah banyak diaplikasikan dalam proses manufaktur perusahaan yang berasal dari Negara Jepang, benua Eropa maupun Amerika. Kemampuan mengidentifikasikan secara jelas akar permasalahan dan faktor penyebabnya yang membuat usaha perbaikan menjadi terfokus merupakan faktor yang menjadikan metode ini diaplikasikan secara menyeluruh olch banyak perusahaan di dunia. Untuk mendapatkan nilai OEE maka diperlukan perhitugan tiga rasio, yaitu Availability Factor, Performance Factor, dan Quality Factor. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Cylinder Head Line karena sering terjadi line stop akibat tingginya breakdown time. Faktor yang menyebabkan proses produksi pada Cylinder Head Line PT. TMMIN berjalan kurang maksimal adalah tingginya breakdown time yang menyebabkan line stop. Terjadinya breakdown pada mesin biasanya disebabkan oleh keausan part, kesalahan kontrol dari operator, sistem pendingin yang tidak berjalan normal, dll. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai OEE Cylinder Head Line PT. TMMIN adalah sebesar 94,03%.Nilai tersebut telah melampaui nilai standard OEE Internasional sebesar 85%.


Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is one of the measuring indicators of machine performance which widely applied by industry actors in the world. Overall Equipment Ejéctiveness (OEE) is a method of measuring the effectiveness of the use of equipment in implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). This method has been widely applied in the manufacturing process of companies originating from Japan, Europe and America. Ability clearly identifying root causes and contributing factors that make improvement efforts be focused are the factors that make this method was applied thoroughly by many companies in the world. The calculation of OEE value  requires three ratio, Availability Factor, Performance Factor, and Quality Factor. The factors that led to the production process in the Cylinder Head Line PT. TMMIN less than the maximum run time is the high breakdown that led to the stop line. The occurrence of breakdown in the engine is usually caused by wear and tear of parts, error control of the operator, the cooling system is not running normally, etc. The results showed the value of OEE Cylinder Head Line PT. TMMIN amounted to 94.03%. The value has exceeded the value of International standard OEE of 85%.




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