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Mencari Identitas Reformisme Islam: Konflik dan Integrasi Orang Arab-Hadrami di Pekalongan, 1905-1945 | Saeputro | Historiografi skip to main content

Mencari Identitas Reformisme Islam: Konflik dan Integrasi Orang Arab-Hadrami di Pekalongan, 1905-1945

*Muhammad Agung Saeputro  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Rabith Jihan Amaruli  -  Departemen Sejarah, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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This article aims to present a new perspective on the internal conflict of Hadhrami-Arab in the colonial Indonesia. The main focus of this research is in Pekalongan, an important Hadhrami-Arab colony in the north coast of Java, with its network as centre of the movement. The discussion includes the Hadhrami-Arab integration in Pekalongan, through two main focuses, namely movement and schools. The internal conflict of identity in the Hadhrami-Arabs, which was triggered by unequal interpretations of Islamic reformism, has led to two main poles, namely Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah (the Irsyadis) on the one hand, and Rabithah Alawiyah (the alawis) on the other. Meanwhile, the Hadhrami-Arab integration can be distinguished through the Indonesian Arab Association (PAI), even though this organization is not a comprehensive integration forum. To a certain extent, PAI does not make the identities that appear in the Hadrami-Arab in Pekalongan disappear, while the institutional assimilation in modern schools can be better implemented by Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyah and Rabithah Al-Alawiyah. By neglecting the dichotomy between reformism and conservativism, the two organizations have played key roles in their respective directions, from Islamic reformism to social-politic reformism. 

Keywords:Islamic Reformism; conflict; integration; Hadhrami-Arab; Pekalongan.

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