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Nabilah Sofieyanti  -  Program Studi Statistika, FMIPA, Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
*Dwi Agustin Nuriani Sirodj  -  Program Studi Statistika, FMIPA, Universitas Islam Bandung, Indonesia
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DKI Jakarta is one of the provinces experiencing land subsidence problems. Monitoring the rate of land subsidence is very important to mitigate and control environmental impacts. One of the main problems in tracking the rate of land subsidence is the limitation of monitoring tools. Therefore, the Universal Kriging spatial interpolation method can be used to estimate the rate of land subsidence at unsampled locations. This research uses secondary data on the rate of land subsidence in DKI Jakarta Province in 2022. This research aims to produce an estimated value of the land subsidence rate at an unsampled location so that vulnerable areas with unknown land subsidence rates can also be monitored more effectively. Based on the results, the Spherical theoretical semivariogram is the best model because it has the smallest RMSE value compared to other models. The estimation results show that the average subsidence rate is 0.03512 cm/year. The largest subsidence rate is 0.05355 cm/year in Duri Kosambi, and the smallest subsidence rate is 0.03054 cm/year in Tangki. The Universal Kriging method effectively estimates the subsidence rate in unsampled locations. This method can be used as a first step in mitigating, controlling, and preventing the impacts of land subsidence.

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Keywords: Interpolation; universal kriging; land subsidence rate

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