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Ardiana Alifatus Saadah  -  Department of Statistics, Diponegoro Universitas, Indonesia
*Deby Fakhriyana  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Hersugondo Hersugondo  -  Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
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Globalization has an impact on cultural changes in Indonesia. Apart from positive impacts, globalization also has several negative impacts. The decreasing level of politeness in today's teenagers is part of a cultural change that we cannot ignore. Teenagers in this era are reportedly paying less attention to how to act and behave politely. Politeness is the practical application of good manners and etiquette. To improve polite behavior in teenagers, it is important to know factors that might influence polite behavior. This study used psychological theory developed by Ajzen and Fishbein, the Theory of Reasoned Action. Model in this theory consists of four variables, namely attitude, subjective norm, behavioral intention and behavior. Analytical method used in this research is path analysis. Based on the test results, the attitude variable has an effective influence on increasing the polite behavior variable in teenagers. This is because attitude variable not only influence behavioral variable directly, but also indirectly through behavioral intention variable. Furthermore, the increase in polite behavior is significantly influenced by behavioral intentions. Model combination is able to explain 63.06% of the data diversity, while the rest is explained by other variables and error.

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Keywords: Path Analysis; TRA; Teenagers

Article Metrics:

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