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Kajian Karakteristik Tata Guna Lahan dan Harga Tanah pada Kawasan Perdagangan di Kecamatan Muntilan

*Muhammad Zaenuddin  -  Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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The economic growth of an area is closely related to population growth. The increasing population growth has implications for the level of economic activity of the people. Economic activity in an area can spread or agglomerate at certain points. Its growth can also be organic as is the case in the Trading Area in Muntilan District. This area extends along the primary arterial road or Ribbon Development along Jogja-Magelang Streets which connects Magelang City, Magelang Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Trading areas are in the form of traditional markets, modern markets, shops, markets, squares, minimarkets, and others. Around this area, it is also equipped with various basic infrastructure and supporting facilities to meet the daily needs of society such as religious facilities, educational facilities, government facilities and public services, open space facilities, and important transportation objects. This is why it is interesting to examine the relationship between land use and the price of land offered in this trading area in Muntilan District. The method used in this study uses quantitative approaches with data obtained through observation, secondary surveys, and interviews through questionnaires. The analysis used is descriptive method and applies a superimpose process in the Geospatial Information System or Overlay. The results showed that the type of land use and the distance to the trading area determine variations in land prices.

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Keywords: Ribbon Development; Kawasan Perdagangan; Harga Tanah; Tata Guna Lahan

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