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Evaluasi Program Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal di Yogyakarta ( Study Kasus Pengembangan Desa Wisata Kebonagung Kabupaten Bantul) | Al adiyat | Journal of Politic and Government Studies skip to main content

Evaluasi Program Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal di Yogyakarta ( Study Kasus Pengembangan Desa Wisata Kebonagung Kabupaten Bantul)

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The process of local economic development contained in Bantul
implemented based participatory approach that emphasizes on the analysis of
sectoral , spatial , and marketing and focus on three (3 ) main areas , namely
tourism, agriculture and small industries . Post-earthquake economic recovery
program integrated LED stated in the Strategic Plan 2008-2010 Bantul . But
actually before the year 2008 there has been some economic recovery programs
undertaken by the government , both central and local levels that are one- offs .
Referring to the Law No. 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning , Government
Regulation No. 26 Year 2008 on National Spatial Plan , and Local Regulations
Yogyakarta Special Region No. 2 of 2010 on Spatial Planning Special Province of
Yogyakarta , the concept and utilization of national spatial strategy and the
province need to be translated into Spatial Planning Bantul designated as Zone
designation artificial tourism in the District are in : Tourism Village KebunKebun
Supreme Court in the Village , as well as No. 03 of 2004 on Regional Tourism
Development Master Plan Bantul , also Bantul Regency Decree No.359 was
developed as a tourist village in 2006 and refers to the PEL Sector Policy with
Community Based Tourism Tourism is developing community -based tourism
have proven themselves resilient consolidate after the earthquake ( Travel villages
) , as well as develop a network between a tourist village that lays on Rural
Tourism Development Policy of local Economic development perspective ,
emphasizing the development of rural tourism is an alternative to the economic
development of the people by making tourism as the prime mover ( prime mover )
local economy .

With reference to the above legislation it is expected that development of
rural tourism Kebonagung collapsed due to lack of government's handling of the
village and also worse off as a result of an earthquake , it can be developed into a
village that can potentially evolve so beneficial to the welfare of society .
This study aims to : 1) determine the local economic development
programs in post- quake economic recovery in Bantul district from 2007 through
2012 , and 2 ) determine the condition of village development Kebonagung after
the rise and growing as a tourist village agriculture and culture . While the
research method used is descriptive qualitative interview guide using the speakers.
The results showed that the efforts of the Local Economic Development in
Post-Earthquake Recovery Economic Conditions in Bantul during this three (3)
major steps , namely : a) careful planning based on accurate data and a single
database , which is the basis of all program developed b ) Conduct efforts so that
poor families reduced the burden of his life , through various assistance that aims
to relieve , reduce , freeing expenses ( costs ) to be incurred families ,and ; 3 )
Perform empowerment efforts . The data in question , not just about the amount ,
but also with regard to the condition and position of the poor families . This data
is projected to show the profile of the poor , including the problems faced .
Kebonagung village developments show the rise and increasingly manifest as the
development of the agricultural and cultural tourism village . It can be seen from
the indicators : a) Quality b) Quantity c) Cost -effectiveness d) Need for
Supervision , and e ) Impact nterpersonal.
Keywords : Evaluation of Local Economic Development Program, Recovery
Economic Conditions, Kabupaten Bantul

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