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How to cite (IEEE): K. A. Harianto, B. Setiyono, and F. ., "LRC-KJHAM ROLE IN PROMOTING GENDER POLICY JUST IN SEMARANG 2015," Journal of Politic and Government Studies, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 31-40, Dec. 2015. [Online]. Retrieved from :
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Role LRC-KJHAM as an NGO to participate fairly in an effort menguaatkan
policies that gender background of this study, an attempt LRC-KJHAM is caused by
the high level of violence against women in the city, as we know the products
regulation will confirm the seriousness of the government and place them on
provisions which are more powerful and binding in law enforcement.
As for gender equality or gender equity by USAID is an attempt to achieve
equal conditions between men and women. This research was conducted using
qualitative descriptive method, research location is the office of LRC-KJHAM, office
BAPERMAS Women and KB Semarang and Village Krobokan, while the method of
recruitment of informants is through purposive sampling method, the subject of this
study is, Chief Operating LRC-KJHAM, Division Head of Women Empowerment of
Women and Family Planning BAPERMAS the city, and a community representative
sample is then taken caretaker Working Group I Sub Krobokan. The type and source
of the data itself in the form of primary data results of interviews and secondary data
obtained from a number of books, documents and other sources are used and obtained
during the study. Data collection techniques such as interviews, observation
definitions and documentation studies. The data analysis technique itself through
Data Collection, data Data Reduction, Display Data and Verification and Assertions
In findings in the field of policy advocacy efforts LRC-KJHAM realized
through efforts to encourage ratification of the draft law on Maternal and Child Safety
Semarang. It is obtained from the informant, chairman of Working Group I Krobokan
village who attended the meeting between the LRC-KJHAM, Member of Parliament
Commission D Semarang and community representatives (women's groups) at the
Hotel Ibis in Semarang discuss harmonization efforts bylaw Mother and Child Safety.
So that we can conclude there is a role-KJHAM LRC to encourage gender-equitable
policies through the meeting, it was also revealed that there is good coordination
between the LRC-KJHAM and stage the existing holder.
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