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*Osa Maulwy Kusnanda  -  Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT. UNDIP, Indonesia
Putra Rendry  -  Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT. UNDIP, Indonesia
Djoko Purwanto  -  Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT. UNDIP, Indonesia
Epf. Eko Yulipriyono  -  Jurusan Teknik Sipil FT. UNDIP

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Semarang is the capital of Central Java province having many potential, likes economic, social, cultural, and tourism. In increasing the potential of Semarang, need to be supported with adequate the road transport facilities. In some locations, such as Pandanaran street which has a value degrees of saturation (DS) between 0.79-1.02, MH.Thamrin street with DS 0.78, and Pemuda street with DS 0.85. This indicates that on the roads have high traffic density so that it does not cover the possibility in the coming year can increase returns. The purpose of this study is to identify the performance of intersections and road segments and distribution solutions for efficient traffic management by implementing a one way traffic system. The implementation of one way system is expected to produce the traffic an orderly, smoothly, safe, comfortable, and efficientThe research methodology used is descriptive quantitative. This study was preceded by a preliminary literature review and survey and followed by data collection through traffic counting and related measurements. Analysis of data based on mkji 1997 in order to evaluate the performance of existing road and do an analysis by applying a system of one way system.


Based on the analysis of performance of the existing conditions on the roads, there are a few low performing street with DS>0.75, as in Pandanaran street with DS 0.79-1.02, MH.Thamrin street with DS 0.78, and Pemuda street with DS 0.85. In addition, existing conditions analysis of the results obtained with low performing “simpang” with DS>0.75, is Simpang Gajah Mada/Depok with DS between 1.09-2.17 and Simpang Pandanaran/MH.Thamrin with DS between 0.92-1.66 and some other parameters, such as capacity, average delay, the length of the queue, the number of vehicles lining up, and the cycle time parameter support. Analysis of the results obtained two scenarios plan offered, scenario 1 (Pemuda street, MH.Thamrin street, Pandanaran street, and Gajah Mada street impose one way system) and scenario 2 (Pemuda street, MH.Thamrin street, and Pandanaran street impose one way system, except Gajah Mada street who keep developing two way system). After compared with method scoring, scenario 2 obtain highest score to street and simpang, is 82 and 28, to create value DS in Pandanaran street being declined between 0.09-0.53 and Pemuda street 0.26; as well as Simpang Gajah Mada/Depok between 0.82-0.87.
Keywords: en

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