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FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERAN MOTIVATOR ASI DALAM PEMBERIAN ASI EKSKLUSIF (Studi Kualitatif pada Motivator ASI di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kendal II Kabupaten Kendal Tahun 2017)

*Nofi Anggraeni  -  , Indonesia
Dina Rahayuning Pangestuti  -  , Indonesia
Ronny Aruben  -  , Indonesia
Published: 1 May 2018.

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Breastfeeding motivators was a program which aimed to support mothers optimizing exclusive breastfeeding. It was expected that the presence of breastfeeding motivators in paired work with counselors could help enhancing exclusive breastfeeding which was relative poor. In Kendal Regency, exclusive breastfeeding target had not reached the expectation, where valued 71,07% in 2015 and 69,1% in 2016. Although there had been breastfeeding motivators, unfortunately the achievement in the working areas of Kendal II was significantly low compared to other public centers in the working areas of Kendal Regency. Nevertheless, in 2014 and 2015 the target was declined about 41,14%, meanwhile in 2016 was 41,67%. The research covered analyzing factors that affect the role of motivators raising the awareness in the working areas of Kendal II of Kendal Regency. This research combined the descriptive method with the qualitative appoarch. The subject involved sixteen participants consisted of five primary participants and elevan triangulation participants. The result showed that the factors that affecting the role of breastfeeding motivators in the working areas of Kendal II, namely predisposing factors which include knowledge, attitudes, and motivations were already ideal. Meanwhile, the enabling factors included training, media/ props, access, as well as rewards. Although, all breastfeeding motivators had followed the trining, owned media/ props, and been accessible, however, they did not get any reward as a breastfeeding motivator. On the other hand, the reinforcing factors which explains supportive values from family and friend/ fellow breastfeeding motivators, yet, they were not supported by the Health Departement.

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Keywords: factors, role, breastfeeding motivator

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Section: Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat
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