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PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK KASAR DAUN TEMBAKAU (Nicotiana tabacum) UNTUK MENGENDALIKAN INFESTASI ARGULUS sp. PADA IKAN KOMET (Carassius auratus auratus) | Gultom | Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology skip to main content


*Dian Sary Gultom  -  Departemen Akuakultur, Indonesia
- - Desrina  -  Departemen Akuakultur, Indonesia
- - Sarjito  -  Departemen Akuakultur, Indonesia

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Penyakit Argulosis adalah salah satu penyakit yang menyerang ikan komet yang disebabkan oleh parasit Argulus sp. Salah satu upaya pengendalian serangan Argulus sp. yaitu menggunakan insektisida alami. Ekstrak kasar daun tembakau (N. tabacum) merupakan salah satu bahan alami yang dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengobatan Argulus sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman ekstrak daun tembakau terhadap kelulushidupan ikan komet dan mortalitas Argulus sp. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Dosis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu perlakuan A (0 ml/L), perlakuan B (3 ml/L), perlakuan C (6 ml/L) dan perlakuan D (9 ml/L). Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah ikan komet sebanyak 60 ekor dengan panjang tubuh rata-rata 6,42±0,45 cm dan bobot tubuh rata-rata 7,61±0,72 gram, kemudian Argulus sp.sebanyak 120 ekor. Uji in vivo dilakukan dengan cara menginfeksikan Argulus sp. dengan kepadatan 30 ekor Argulus sp. ke dalam tiap-tiap perlakuan selama 12 hari, setelah muncul gejala klinis kemudian dilakukan perendaman menggunakan ekstrak kasar daun tembakau selama 60 menit. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 7 hari dengan parameter pengamatan meliputi gejala klinis ikan, kelulushidupan ikan, mortalitas Argulus sp. dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak kasar daun tembakau tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap kelulushidupan ikan komet yang diinfeksi Argulus sp. Nilai kelulushidupan tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B sebesar 80,00% diikuti oleh perlakuan C sebesar 73,33%, perlakuan D sebesar 60,00% dan pada perlakuan A sebesar 46,67%. Penggunaan ekstrak daun tembakau terbukti berpengaruh terhadap mortalitas Argulus sp. yaitu 25 ekor (Perlakuan D), 19 ekor (perlakuan C), 12 ekor (perlakuan B), dan 5 ekor (perlakuan A). Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun tembakau pada perlakuan D (9 ml/L) merupakan dosis yang dapat menyebabkan mortalitas yang tinggi pada Argulus sp. dengan tingkat mortalitas 83,33%.

Argulosis is a common disease infectcomet fish caused by Argulus sp.parasites. One of the efforts to control Argulus sp. attack that was used natural insecticide. Tobacco leaf extract (N. tabacum) was one of the natural ingredients that can be used as an alternative treatment of Argulus sp. This study aims to determine of immersed the effect of tobacco leaf extract on survival rate and the effect of immersed of tobacco leaf extract (N. tabacum) on mortality of Argulus sp. The experiment consisted of 4 treatments each with 3 replications. Doses used in this study were treatment A (0 ml/L), treatment B (3 ml/L), treatment C (6 ml/L) and treatment D (9 ml/L). 60 comet were used in this study with an average body length of 6,42±0,45 cm and an average body weight of 7,61±0,72 grams, and then infested by 120 Argulus sp.The experimental comet were infected with Argulus sp. at density 30 Argulus sp.were conducted for 12 days, after injection showed clinical signs comet were immersed in tobacco leaf extract about 60 menit. The observations were conducted for 7 days with observation parameters including clinical symptoms, survival rate, mortality Argulus sp. and water quality. The result showed that immersed tobacco leaf extract had no significant (P>0.05) of survival rate. of comet fish infected by Argulus sp.The highest survival rate in treatment B (80,00%) treatment C (73,33%) treatment D (60,00%) and treatment A46,67%. The result showed that immersed tobacco leaf extracts had significant effect of mortality Argulus sp. is 25 Argulus sp. (Treatment D), 19 Argulus sp. (treatment C), 12 Argulus sp. (treatment B), and 5 Argulus sp. (treatment A). The results showed that immersion in treatment D (9 ml/l) was a dose that could cause high mortality in Argulus with 83,33%



Argulosis is a common disease infectcomet fish caused by Argulus sp.parasites. One of the efforts to control Argulus sp. attack that was used natural insecticide. Tobacco leaf extract (N. tabacum) was one of the natural ingredients that can be used as an alternative treatment of Argulus sp. This study aims to determine of immersed the effect of tobacco leaf extract on survival rate and the effect of immersed of tobacco leaf extract (N. tabacum) on mortality of Argulus sp. The experiment consisted of 4 treatments each with 3 replications. Doses used in this study were treatment A (0 ml/L), treatment B (3 ml/L), treatment C (6 ml/L) and treatment D (9 ml/L). 60 comet were used in this study with an average body length of 6,42±0,45 cm and an average body weight of 7,61±0,72 grams, and then infested by 120 Argulus sp.The experimental comet were infected with Argulus sp. at density 30 Argulus sp.were conducted for 12 days, after injection showed clinical signs comet were immersed in tobacco leaf extract about 60 menit. The observations were conducted for 7 days with observation parameters including clinical symptoms, survival rate, mortality Argulus sp. and water quality. The result showed that immersed tobacco leaf extract had no significant (P>0.05) of survival rate. of comet fish infected by Argulus sp.The highest survival rate in treatment B (80,00%) treatment C (73,33%) treatment D (60,00%) and treatment A46,67%. The result showed that immersed tobacco leaf extracts had significant effect of mortality Argulus sp. is 25 Argulus sp. (Treatment D), 19 Argulus sp. (treatment C), 12 Argulus sp. (treatment B), and 5 Argulus sp. (treatment A). The results showed that immersion in treatment D (9 ml/l) was a dose that could cause high mortality in Argulus with 83,33%.
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Keywords: Daun Tembakau; Ikan Komet; Argulus sp.

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