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Hubungan Konsep Diri Menantu dan Keterbukaan Diri Menantu dengan Tingkat Konflik Interpersonal pada Mertua yang Tinggal Bersama | Prameyta | Interaksi Online skip to main content

Hubungan Konsep Diri Menantu dan Keterbukaan Diri Menantu dengan Tingkat Konflik Interpersonal pada Mertua yang Tinggal Bersama

*Deffa Prameyta  -  Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
Hedi Pudjo Santosa  -  Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
Primada Qurrota Ayun  -  Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi

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The relationship between in-laws and in-laws that exist consists of various kinds, namely conflict-filled relationships or harmonious relationships, especially if they both live under the same roof. This study aims to determine the correlation between the daughter/son-in-law's selfconcept and the daughter/son-in-law’s self-disclosure with the level of interpersonal conflict of mother/father in-laws who lived together. This research used Looking Glass Self Theory and Social Penetration Theory. This study used a sample of 100 people who in age from 19- 35 years old who are married and live with in-laws. This sample method used non-probability sampling with accidental techniques. The results showed the daughter/son-in-law's self-concept with the level of interpersonal conflict of mother/father in-laws who live together has a significance value of 0.000 ≤ 0.01, which means that there is a very significant correlation. This shows that Looking Glass Self theory can be applied in this study. The correlation coefficient is -0.558 means that it has a strong and negative level of correlation. This shows a negative correlation if the son-in-law's self-concept is low, the level of interpersonal conflict of mother/father in-laws who live together increases. While the daughter/son-in-law's self-disclosure with the level of interpersonal conflict of mother/father in-laws who lived together have a significant value of 0.000 ≤ 0.001, which means there is a very significant relationship. This shows that Social Penetration Theory can be applied in this study. The correlation coefficient is -0.553, which means it has a strong and negative level of correlation. This shows a negative correlation if the daughter/son-in-law's self-disclosure is low, the level of interpersonal conflict of mother/father in-laws who lived together increases. Likewise, vice versa. Therefore, the daughter/son-in-law should improve their self-concept and self-disclosure so that the level of interpersonal conflict of mother/father in-laws who lived with them decreases. It is recommended for further research to review other variables of the in-laws relationship.
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Keywords: Self-Concept, Self-Disclosure, Interpersonal Conflict

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