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*Fernando Sirait  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Naniek Utami Handayani  -  , Indonesia

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Memiliki pelanggan yang loyal merupakan  impian dari setiap pelaku bisnis. Saat ini banyak para ahli telah mencoba untuk membangun konsep dan teori tentang loyalitas pelanggan barang atau jasa  termasuk pada industri telekomunikasi seluler. Para ahli berpendapat bahwa pembentukan loyalitas pelanggan pada industri telekomunikasi seluler memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan industri jasa pada umumnya terutama peranan relationship age (umur pemakaian) pada loyalitas pelanggan. Pada penelitian ini peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana peranan relationship age dalam mempengaruhi dampak yang ditimbulkan relational equity, trust, dan cutomer satisfaction dalam membangun loyalitas pelanggan telepon seluler. Loyalitas pelanggan dalam penelitian dibagi menjadi  dua dimensi yaitu attitudinal loyality dan behavioral loyality. Melalui kuesioner penelitian (N=100) dan diolah dengan Partial least Square (PLS) menemukan bahwa di Indonesia relationship age tidak memiliki pengaruh yang berarti dalam peningkatan pada kedua dimensi loyalitas pada industri telepon seluler. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa relational equity memiliki pengaruh positif dalam peningkatan loyalitas pelanggan pada industri telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia.



Has a loyal customer is a difficult dream realized by each company. Many previous studies have tried to build the concepts and theories of customer loyalty on products and services, including the mobile telecommunications industry. Experts argue that the formation of customer loyalty in the mobile telecommunication industry has different characteristics from the service industry general particularly the role of relationship age (lifespan) on customer loyalty. In this study, researchers wanted to know how the relationship age role in influencing the impact of relational equity, trusts, and cutomer satisfaction in building customer loyalty mobile phone. Customer loyalty in this study were divided into two dimensions that attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Through a questionnaire study (N = 100) and treated with partial least square (PLS) found that in Indonesia relationship age does not have significant impact on the increase in the dimensions of loyalty on the mobile phone industry. The results also showed that the relational equity has a positive effect in increasing customer loyalty in the mobile telecommunication industry in Indonesia.

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Keywords: Relationship Age; Relational Equity; Trust; Customer Satisfaction; Attitudinal Loyality; Behavioral Loyality; Partial Least Square (PLS)

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