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*Nugraha Putra Setyanto  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia
Naniek Utami Handayani  -  Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Undip Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia 50275, Indonesia

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Pandemic Covid-19 menyebabkan perkuliahan harus dilakukan secara daring. Universitas Diponegoro telah memiliki platform pembelajaran daring bernama Kulon Undip. Berdasarkan evaluasi Tim Penjaminan Mutu Fakultas Teknik Undip, Kulon Undip kurang diminati oleh dosen dan mahasiswa karena kurang user friendly, dan seringkali digantikan dengan Microsoft Teams. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode usability testing dengan bantuan ISO 9241-11 untuk menguji dan mengevaluasi usability fitur sehingga dapat diketahui fitur mana yang kurang efektif. Berdasarkan hasil usability testing menggunakan metode ISO 9241-11, perancangan website Kulon Undip telah memenuhi aspek usability pada faktor efektivitas dan efisiensi karena efektifitas dan pencarian waktu yang dibutuhkan responden untuk mencapai menu yang dicari rata-rata yaitu efektifitas sebesar 89% dan efisiensi mencapai 16,37 detik. Hal ini tergolong efektif dan efisien karena parameter indikator yang telah ditetapkan untuk efektivitas berada di atas 78% dan efisiensi waktu di bawah 30 detik. Namun hasil tersebut belum bisa dikatakan sangat akurat mengingat banyaknya kegagalan pengujian yang dilakukan oleh banyak responden karena tata letak menu dan panjang halaman beranda yang menyulitkan pengguna untuk menemukan informasi/menu yang mereka cari. Namun, jika dilihat dari aspek seberapa banyak pengguna yang puas menggunakan website Kulon Undip, website ini dinilai sangat buruk. Dari parameter indikator yang telah ditetapkan pada awal penelitian, skor kepuasan pengguna minimal harus mencapai 65 untuk dikatakan berada pada kategori baik. Sedangkan, skor kepuasan pengguna dari website Kulon Undip hanya 27, yang berada pada kategori buruk, hanya 2 poin di atas kategori terburuk. Kata kunci: ISO 9241-11, COVID-19, Kulon Undip, Usability Testing.

Abstract Title:

Design Of Frequently Asked Questions With Iso 9241-11 Usability Testing On Dipononegoro University's E-Learning Platform Because of the Covid-19 epidemic, lectures must now be delivered online. Diponegoro University already has a Kulon Undip online learning platform. According to the Undip Faculty of Engineering's Quality Assurance Team, Undip Kulon is less appealing to lecturers and students since it is not user friendly, and it is frequently replaced by Microsoft Teams. This research use the usability testing approach, as well as ISO 9241-11, to test and assess the usability of features, allowing it to be determined which features are less effective. According to the results of usability testing using the ISO 9241-11 method, the Kulon Undip website design met the usability aspect on the effectiveness and efficiency factors due to the average effectiveness and search time required by respondents to reach the menu sought, namely 89% effectiveness and efficiency reaching 16, 37 seconds. This is considered effective and efficient since the indicator criteria for effectiveness are greater than 78% and the time efficiency is less than 30 seconds. However, given the amount of test failures performed by many responders, these findings cannot be considered highly reliable since the menu arrangement and length of the home page make it difficult for users to discover the information/menu they are searching for. However, in terms of how many pleased consumers utilize the Kulon Undip website, this website is regarded as very poor. To be included in the good category, a minimum user satisfaction score of 65 must be obtained using the indicator criteria established at the start of the study. Meanwhile, the Undip Kulon website has a customer satisfaction score of 27, which is in the poor category and only 2 points above the worst category.

Keywords: ISO 9241-11, COVID-19, Kulon Undip, Usability Testing

Keywords: ISO 9241-11, COVID-19, Kulon Undip, Usability Testing

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