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*Ilham Mardena Ruwantono  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Susatyo Nugroho W.P  -  Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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Manajemen pelabuhan yang belum sesuai standard target memicu persoalan muncul manakala percepatan pelayanan di pelabuhan yang kini menjadi sorotan penting yang menimbulkan dwelling time yang masih lama yaitu 6 hari belum sesuai target operasi pemerintah yaitu 4,7 hari. Buruknya manajemen pelabuhan ini menimbulkan masalah kemacetan arus logistik barang yang disebut dwelling time. Definisi dwelling time adalah waktu yang dihitung mulai dari sautu peti kemas yang diangkut oleh kapal tiba di pelabuhan lalu petikemas (container) dibongkar dan diangkat dari kapal sampai petikemas tersebut meninggalkan terminal pelabuhan melalui pintu utama. Adapun proses dwelling time di pelabuhan terbagi atas tiga tahap, yaitu pre-customs clearance, customs clearance, dan post-customs clearance. Pre-customs clearance adalah proses pengangkutan petikemas dari kapal dan dilanjutkan peletakan petikemas di tempat penimbunan sementara (TPS) pelabuhan hingga melakukan persiapan dokumen pemberitahuan impor barang (PIB). Untuk mengetahui penyebab akar permasalahan-permasalahan yang terjadi  diperlukan analisis risiko Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) atau analisa pohon kegagalan diamana akan dapat diketahui akar penyebab terjadinya suatu permasalahan. Sedangkan Metode Delphi adalah proses pemberian strategi rekomendasi. Berdasarkan hasil Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) dan Metode Delphi dirumuskan bahwa Pre-Customs Clearance menjadi masalah dominan menurut pakar dikarenakan angka mean yang rata-rata berada diatas nilai 4. Maka perumusan strategi di fokuskan pada Pre-Customs Clearance dengan tujuan penyelesaian dan pencegahan masalah sehingga proses yang berlangsung pada system operasioanal bongkar muat di pelabuhan diharapka dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan optimal.




Analysis of the causes of not achieving the goal dwelling time using fault tree analysis method. Port management is not available standard problem when a target triggers the acceleration of service at the port that is now in the spotlight important cause is still a long dwelling time is 6 days does not meet the target of government operations at 4.7 days. Poor management of the port is causing congestion problems logistic flow of goods called dwelling time. The definition of dwelling time is the time that is calculated from a container transported by the ship arrived in port and container (container) dismantled and removed from the container ship to leave the port terminals through the main door. As for the dwelling time in port is divided into three stages is pre-customs clearance, customs clearance, and post-customs clearance. Pre-customs clearance is the process of transporting the containers from the ship and continued placement of containers in a temporary reservoir (TPS) port to perform document preparation imported goods notification (PIB). To find the root cause of the problems that occur required risk analysis Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) or fault tree analysis which will be known root cause of a problem. While the Delphi method is a process of strategy recommendations. Based on the results Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and the Delphi method is formulated that Pre-Customs Clearance become a dominant issue by experts because of the numbers game that is above average grades 4. The formulation of a strategy focused on Pre-Customs Clearance with the goal of completion and prevention of problems so that the process that takes place in the system of loading and unloading at the port Operational mod can run smoothly and optimally.

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Keywords: Dwelling Time; Fault Tree Analysis (FTA); Metode Delphi

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