Forecasting is predicting the activities values that have been previously known. One of the methods that can be used to predict is Exponential Smoothing. In this study, exponential smoothing method used is Single Exponential Smoothing (SES), Holt Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) and Triple Exponential Smoothing Holt-Winter (TES) Additive and Multiplicative models. Data used is value of Central Java Export from the period January 2006 until December 2013. There is some weighting parameters were evaluated in this method in order to produce a minimum error. Trial error method is used to obtain the weighting parameters. For SES method parameters evaluated were the parameters α, in DES method there are α and γ. And TES method there are α, γ and β. The value that will be minimize is Persentage Mean Absolute Error (MAPE). This study used the Golden Section method to find the parameter values that minimize the weighting function of MAPE. And built a Graphical User Interface (GUI) MATLAB in order to facilitate the analysis process. The Golden Section analysis found the best model is the TES Holt Winters Additive because it has a minimum value of MAPE. With Use the TES Holt Winters Additive will continue to predict the value of exports of Central Java 12 periods ahead with weighting parameters that minimize MAPE.
Keywords : Exponential Smoothing, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Export,
Golden Section, PredictArticle Metrics:
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