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DETERMINAN KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA ONLIE SHOP (Studi kasus pada onlin shop shee_beauty) | Isnayati | Diponegoro Journal of Management skip to main content

DETERMINAN KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA ONLIE SHOP (Studi kasus pada onlin shop shee_beauty)

*Sekar Isnayati  -  Departemen Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro
Susilo Toto Rahardjo  -  Departemen Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro

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ABSTRACT Skincare is a product that continues to develop and is needed from time to time. One of the most needed skincare is the one that has been BPOM. However, now more use of natural masks because they use natural ingredients and do not have a fatal effect for users. One online shop that sells natural masks is the online shop shee_beauty, an online shop that has succeeded in promoting or introducing natural mask products that can be used for all groups. In addition to natural masks, the online shop shee_beauty has beauty tools and other beauty products that have been approved by BPOM so that they can attract consumers to make purchases at the online shop shee_beauty. This study aims to examine the determinants of purchasing decisions against the online shop shee_beauty, by testing the variables of trust, online reviews, product information, and brands as independent variables. The population used in this study are consumers who have made purchases at the online shop shee_beauty. The sample used in the study was 100 respondents. The sampling method used nonprobability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through a questionnaire, after the data was obtained it was processed and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS program. The results showed that all variables affect purchasing decisions.
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Keywords: Keywords:Trust, Online Reviews, Product Information, Brand and purchasing decisions

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