Transportation support daily activities. The wide range of activities undertaken from commuting, purchasing food, delivering / transporting goods, purchasing goods and others is almost certain to use transportation, either directly or indirectly. Along with technological developments emerged the term "Online Transportation" which the term is attached to the transportation based on internet / online applications, whether motorcycles or cars. The emergence of online transportation in Indonesia are increasing, this online transportation services arise because of the complex needs of the community and the pioneer of online transportation services in Indonesia is PT. Go-Jek Indonesia. Go-Jek, face the competition with other online transport providers and must formulate a decisive strategy to keep its consumer.
This research used four variables which are brand image, price perception, service quality and consumer satisfaction. The testing of the hypotheses in this research was conducted by collecting primary datas from the online questionnaires given to 105 respondents and then analyzed. The analysis technique used in this research was the Multiple Regressional Analysis which was conducted using the IBM Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) 23 software program.
The results of this study indicate that the variables of brand image, price perceptions and service quality positively affect the customer satisfaction of services provided by PT. Go-Jek Indonesia. The results also show that Price Perception is the most influential factor on Customer Satisfaction that need to be the main consideration for the company in order to increase the satisfaction of the users of Go-Jek services.Last update:
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