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ANTESEDEN MINAT BERKUNJUNG ULANG (Studi pada Cagar Budaya Bedung Lawang Sewu Semarang)

*Sopyan Sopyan  -  Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro
Ibnu Widiyanto  -  Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis Universitas Diponegoro

How to cite (IEEE): S. Sopyan, and I. Widiyanto, "ANTESEDEN MINAT BERKUNJUNG ULANG (Studi pada Cagar Budaya Bedung Lawang Sewu Semarang)," Diponegoro Journal of Management, vol. 0, pp. 677-685, May. 2015. [Online]. Retrieved from :
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This research was motivated by a lot of visitor complaints after visiting to Cagar Budaya Lawang Sewu in form of critics and suggestions. It indicates there are unsatisfactory  feelings after  their  visit to Cagar  Budaya  Lawang  Sewu  that could  be because of less attractive and decreasing services quality from the management. This research is aiming to analyze the effect of destination attraction and services quality toward visitor’s satisfaction and intent to revisit.z

This research using descriptive and quantitative for data analyze. The samples for this research are 385 visitors that visited Cagar Budaya Gedung Lawang Sewu. Data was collected using  questionnaires  which tested  the validity and  reliability. The data  was analyzed using multiple regression. The result of descriptive analysis shown that tourism attraction, services quality, visitor’s satisfaction, and intention to revisit Cagar Budaya Lawang Sewu classified as moderate. Statistical tests shown visitor’s satisfaction variable is  affecting  positively  toward  intention  to  revisit  variable  (hypothesis  1  is  accepted), tourism attraction variable is affecting positively toward visitor’s satisfaction (hypothesis 2 is accepted),   services quality variable is affecting positively toward visitor’s satisfaction (hypothesis 3 is accepted), tourism attraction is affecting positively toward intention to revisit (hypothesis 4 is accepted), Variabel daya tarik berpengaruh positif terhadap minat berkunjung  ulang  (hipotesis  4  diterima),  and  services  quality  variable  is  affecting positively toward intention to revisit (hypothesis 5 is accepted).

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Keywords: Tourism Attraction, Services Quality, Visitor’s Satisfaction, Intention to Revisit.

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