Joshapat Nursasongko Edi, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Nyoman Suthama



The aim of the research was to assess the effect of improving dietary of nutriens and adding herbal mixture of noni, gotu kola and turmeric in the ration on fertility and embryos mortality breeder kedu chicken. Seventy two heads of one-year-old black kedu hens with average body weight of 1614 ± 124g and 18 cocks with average body weight of 1897 ± 151g were used in this research. Feed stuffs used were as follows yellow corn, soybean meal, fish meal, rice bran, flour skin shells, limestone (CaCO3), concentrates CP 124 and mineral premix. The research used completely randomized design (CRD) in 2x3 factorial patterns with 3 replications. The first factors were the type of ration namely farmer formulated (R1) and improved ration (R2). The second factors were the level of mixture 0% that is (H0), 4% (H4) and 8% (H8). The result shows that there was no interaction (P> 0.05) between the type of ration and the level of herbal mixture on feed consumption, fertility, embryo mortality as well as Hen Day Production (HDP). Nutrient differences of the ration effected (P <0.05) feed consumption and mortality of embryos, but it was not affect on fertility and HDP. The level of herbal mixture effected (P <0.05) feed consumption, but not on fertility, embryo mortality and HDP. The conclusions was 4% level of herbs mixture was the best level added to the ration since it enhanced fertility and depressed embryo mortality despite increased feed consumption.

Keywords: kedu hens, herbs, fertility, embryo


Penelitian bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh peningkatan kualitas nutrien ransum dan penambahan herbal campuran mengkudu, pegagan dan kunyit dalam ransum terhadap fertilitas dan mortalitas embrio ayam kedu pebibit. Ternak penelitian adalah ayam kedu hitam umur 1 tahun sebanyak 72 ekor betina dengan bobot badan rata-rata 1614 ± 124g dan 18 ekor jantan dengan bobot badan rata-rata 1897 ± 151g, jagung kuning, bungkil kedelai, tepung ikan, dedak padi, tepung kulit kerang, kapur (CaCO3), konsentrat CP 124 dan premix mineral. Alat yang digunakan adalah tempat ransum dan minum, timbangan analitis kapasitas 3 kg dengan ketelitian 1 g dan termometer. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2x3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis ransum peternak (R1) dan ransum perbaikan (R2), faktor kedua adalah level campuran herbal 0% (H0), 4% (H4) dan 8% (H8) dalam komposisi 100% ransum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada interaksi yang nyata (P>0,05) antara jenis ransum dan level herbal terhadap konsumsi ransum, fertilitas, mortalitas embrio dan HDP ayam Kedu. Pemberian ransum berbeda formula berpengaruh (P<0,05) terhadap konsumsi ransum dan mortalitas embrio, tetapi tidak terhadap fertilitas dan HDP. Penambahan level herbal berpengaruh (P<0,05) terhadap konsumsi ransum, namun tidak terhadap fertilitas, mortalitas embrio dan HDP. Simpulan dari penelitian bahwa penambahan herbal 4% menunjukkan hasil terbaik dilihat dari peningkatan fertilitas dan penurunan mortalitas embrio meskipun terjadi peningkatan konsumsi.

Kata kunci: ayam kedu, herbal, fertilitas, embrio


kedu hens; herbs; fertility; embryo; ayam kedu; herbal; fertilitas; embrio

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