The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leaf C.
usaramoensis with different percentage rate period quail grower diet for metabolic
energy, protein retention and diet efficiency. The material used in the study were
female quail age of three weeks with an average body weight of 49,55 g ± 2.69
with the amount 100 quail. Diet composed of three materials consist of wheat leaf
C. usaramoensis, concentrate of Charoen Pokpand and yellow corn. Diet research
compiled by ± 24% protein content and metabolic energy ± 3000 kcal / kg. The
design used was completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5
replications and 5 tail quail for each experimental unit. Treatment research is T0
(diet without leaf C. usaramoensis), T1 (diet with 3% leaf C. usaramoensis), T2
(diet with 6% with leaf C. usaramoensis) and T3 (diet with 9% with leaf C.
usaramoensis). Parameters measured were diet consumption, body weight,
metabolic energy, nitrogen retention and diet efficiency. Processing data using
analysis of variance to determine the effect of various treatments. The results
showed no significant difference (P> 0.05) due to the provision of leaf C.
usaramoensis on metabolic energy, nitrogen retention and diet efficiency. Based
on the results of research on the provision of leaf C. usaramoensis to 9% the same
as the diet control so that leaf C. usaramoensis can be used as an alternative
source of protein feed ingredients in the diet quail.
Key words : Crotalaria usaramoensis, metabolic energy, nitrogen retention, diet
usaramoensis with different percentage rate period quail grower diet for metabolic
energy, protein retention and diet efficiency. The material used in the study were
female quail age of three weeks with an average body weight of 49,55 g ± 2.69
with the amount 100 quail. Diet composed of three materials consist of wheat leaf
C. usaramoensis, concentrate of Charoen Pokpand and yellow corn. Diet research
compiled by ± 24% protein content and metabolic energy ± 3000 kcal / kg. The
design used was completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5
replications and 5 tail quail for each experimental unit. Treatment research is T0
(diet without leaf C. usaramoensis), T1 (diet with 3% leaf C. usaramoensis), T2
(diet with 6% with leaf C. usaramoensis) and T3 (diet with 9% with leaf C.
usaramoensis). Parameters measured were diet consumption, body weight,
metabolic energy, nitrogen retention and diet efficiency. Processing data using
analysis of variance to determine the effect of various treatments. The results
showed no significant difference (P> 0.05) due to the provision of leaf C.
usaramoensis on metabolic energy, nitrogen retention and diet efficiency. Based
on the results of research on the provision of leaf C. usaramoensis to 9% the same
as the diet control so that leaf C. usaramoensis can be used as an alternative
source of protein feed ingredients in the diet quail.
Key words : Crotalaria usaramoensis, metabolic energy, nitrogen retention, diet
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