HUBUNGAN ANTARA UKURAN-UKURAN TUBUH DENGAN BOBOT BADAN KAMBING JAWARANDU JANTAN BERBAGAI KELOMPOK UMUR DI KABUPATEN BLORA (The Correlation Between Body Measurements With Body Weight of Male Jawarandu Goats on Various Age Groups at Blora Regency)
Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui korelasi atau hubungan antara bobot badan dengan ukuran-ukuran tubuh kambing Jawarandu jantan pada berbagai kelompok umur di Kabupaten Blora, Jawa Tengah. Materi berupa125 ekor kambing Jawarandu jantan yang dibedakan menjadi 5 kelompok umur (>0-3 bulan; >3-6 bulan; >6-12 bulan; >12-18 atau poel 1; >18-30 bulan atau poel 2) masing-masing berjumlah 25 ekor. Metode penelitian survey dan pemilihan lokasi secarapurposive sampling. Parameter tubuh yang diukur panjang badan (PB), lingkar dada (LD), lebar dada (LbD), dalam dada (DD), tinggi pundak (TP), lebar pinggul (LPi), tinggi pinggul (TPi) dan bobot badan (BB). Data yang diperoleh diolah untuk mendapatkan koefisien korelasi (r), koefisien determinasi (R2) dan persamaan regresi sederhana.Hasil menunjukkan rata-rata bobot badan dan semua variabel ukuran tubuh pada semua kelompok umur berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01). Umur >0-3 bulan sampai umur >6-12 bulan pertumbuhan bobot badan dan panjang badan nyata (P<0,05), umur >12-18 bulan atau poel 1 dan >18-30 bulan atau poel 2 pertumbuhan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Lingkar dada, lebar dada, dalam dada, dan lebar pinggul mempunyai nilai yang nyata dari umur >0-3 bulan sampai umur >18-30 bulan atau poel 2 (P<0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian yaitu variabel yang mempunyai nilai korelasi paling kuat dalam pendugaan bobot badan adalah panjang badan dan lingkar dada.
Kata kunci: Korelasi; Bobot badan; Ukuran-ukuran tubuh Kambing Jawarandu Jantan
The research aimed toanalyze the correlation or the relationship between body weight and body measurements of male Jawarandu goats at various age groups at Blora, Central of Java. Total 125 male Jawarandu goats were measured and divided into five groups (25 heads of each group) of age i.e. >0-3 months; >3-6 months; >6-12 months; >12-18 or Poel 1; >18-30 months or Poel 2, respectively. The research was carried out based on survey methods and site selection using purposive sampling technique. Body size measured were body length (PB), chest circumference (LD), chest width (LbD), the chest depth (DD), shoulder height (TP),the hips width (LPi), hip height (TPi) and body weight (BB). The results showed that body weight and all body measurements in all age groups differ significantly (P<0.01), eventhoughthe body weight, shoulder height,body length and hip height had a similar growth pattern. At age group of >0-3 months to age of>6-12 months the body weight and body length grownsignificantly (P<0.05), whereas at age >12-18 months or Poel 1 and >18-30 months or Poel 2 the growth tended to remain (P>0.05). The chest circumference, chest width, the chest depth, and hips width had the same growth pattern namely increased from age >0-3 months to age of>18-30 months or Poel 2 (P<0.05). The conclusion of this research was body length and chest circumference was highly correlated to estimatethe body weight.
Keywords: Correlations coefficient; Body weight; Body measurements; Male Jawarandu goat
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