PERBANDINGAN KUALITAS VERMIKOMPOS YANG DIHASILKAN DARI FESES SAPI DAN FESES KERBAU (Comparison of Vermicompost Quality made from Feces of Cattle and Buffalo)

Rifky Dwiyantono, Sutaryo Sutaryo, Agung Purnomoadi




          Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan feses sapi dan feses kerbau terhadap kualitas vermikompos dilihat dari rasio C/N, pH dan uji organoleptik. Analisis penelitian menggunakan t-test Independent dengan 16 sampel, 8 sampel feses sapi dan 8 sampel feses kerbau. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata rasio C/N vermikompos dari sapi 11,89 dan feses kerbau 12,09. Uji hedonik vermikompos (bau, warna dan tekstur), telah memenuhi standar SNI dan pH vermikompos feses sapi 6,28 dan feses kerbau 6,65. Perbedaan jenis feses sapi dan feses kerbau tidak mempengaruhi kualitas vermikompos.


Kata kunci : vermikompos; feses sapi; feses kerbau




          The aim of the study was to study to determine differences of the feces of the cattle and the buffalo on the vermicompost quality evaluated by the C/N ratio, pH and organoleptic tests. The data was analyzed using independent t-test on 16 samples, 8 samples cattle feces and 8 samples buffalo feces. The results showed that C/N ratio of vermicompost from cattle feces was 11.89 and the buffalo feces was 12.09. The vermicompost hedonic test (smell, color and texture), has satisfied the SNI standard and the pH of the cattle and buffalo feces vermicompost were 6.28 and 6.65. The different types feces from the cattle and the buffalo feces did not affect the vermicompost quality.


Key word : Vermicompost; cattle feces; buffalo feces


vermikompos; feses sapi; feses kerbau; Vermicompost; cattle feces; buffalo feces

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