Mutia Fikriyani, Mussadun .


ABSTRAK: Ekosistem hutan mangrove sangat potensial bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat namun semakin hari semakin kritis ketersediaanya. Hal demikian terjadi pula terhadap areal mangrove di Desa Bedono Kecamatan Sayung Kabupaten Demak yang memiliki potensi dan permasalahan. Pada tahun 80-an terjadi perubahan alih fungsi lahan dari kawasan ekosistem mangrove menjadi lahan tambak udang windu  sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya abrasi di sebagian wilayah di Desa Bedono. Salah satu upaya pemulihan kerusakan hutan mangrove yang cukup penting diantaranya melalui rehabilitasi mangrove. Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka perlu dilakukan evaluasi program rehabilitasi mangrove agar dapat diketahui tingkat pencapaian pada setiap tahapan program rehabilitasi mangrove.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi program rehabilitasi mangrove di Desa Bedono pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring, dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian gabungan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan cara wawancara, kuesioner, observasi lapangan, dan survei. Subyek penelitian adalah instansi pemerintah, pihak swasta dan masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah adanya program rehabilitasi mangrove, tercatat pada tahun 2009 luasan mangrove meningkat sebesar 500% dari tahun 2004, namun luasan ekosistem mangrove pada tahun 2012 mengalami penurunan 8,9% dari tahun 2011. Jika dilihat dari peran serta pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat serta keterkaitannya dalam program rehabilitasi di Desa Bedono, ditemukan bahwa program rehabilitasi mangrove kurang kompak dan bersinergi antar stakeholder. Setelah diadakanya evaluasi, program rehabilitasi mangrove di Desa Bedono termasuk kategori berhasil baik dengan skor pencapaian program 57,2, namun masih ada 4 indikator yang pencapaianya terendah dibandingkan dengan 16 indikator lainnya.

Kata kunci: evaluasi, rehabilitasi, mangrove


ABSTRACT: Mangrove forest ecosystems are very potential to improve the welfare of society, but are getting increasingly critical. Such things happens on the mangrove area in Bedono Village, Sayung Sub-District, Demak Regency, which has both potentials and problems. Land conversion from the mangrove ecosystem region to tiger shrimp ponds in the 1980s caused the abrasion in some areas in Bedono Village. One of the mangrove destruction recovery efforts is the mangrove rehabilitation. Therefore it’s necessary to evaluate the mangrove rehabilitation program to determine the level of achievement on each stage of mangrove rehabilitation program. This research is aimed to evaluate the mangrove rehabilitation program in Bedono Village done by the government, private sector, and community, on the planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating level. The methods used in this research are the mixed methods to complete the overview of the study results and to strengthen the analysis, using the interview, questionnaire, field observation, and institutional survey as the data collection methods. The subjects of this study are the government institutions, NGOs involved in coastal zone management, and the community of Bedono Village as the informants. The result of this study shows that after the mangrove rehabilitation program, noted that in 2009 the mangrove’s extents increased 500% from it’s extents in 2004, but the extents in 2012 declined 8,9% from it’s extents in 2011. It’s indicated that there were fishing and catching shellfish activities using toxic materials and dredging tools, and also lack of supervision from the communities. Observed from the role of government, private sectors, and communities, also the connections in Bedono’s rehabilitation program, found that the mangrove rehabilitation programs are not cohesive and synergic between the stakeholders, which can affect the productivity of mangrove recources. After the evaluation, the mangrove rehabilitation program in Bedono Village is categorized as turn up trumps with program achievement score 57,2, but there are still 4 indicators with the lowest achievements compared with the other 16 indicators.

Keywords: evaluate, rehabilitation, mangrove

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