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Penilaian Walkability Score pada Area Jalur Pejalan Kaki di Kampung Ramah Anak, Kelurahan Kuningan

*Prasetio Adiputra Sucipto  -  Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Rina Kurniati  -  Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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In supporting an environment that can facilitate pedestrians well, it cannot be separated from the walkability element. Walkability is an important element to creating a walkable environment. Walkability is a performance criterion where the built environment can support and increase the interest of people of all ages to walk by increasing safety and comfort, connecting people with various goals in a short time. This study aims to count the level of walkability in the Jalan Tambra Dalam 2 Corridor which is the main road that supports the Child Friendly Village Area, Kuningan Village. The method used in this study uses a scoring technique with walkability weighting based on the Global Walkability Index. The method of data collection is using a questionnaire which distributed to respondents who are determined by sampling technique. The results of this study are the Tambra Dalam 2 Road Corridor has a walkability score of 31.08. With this value, it can be seen that the research location has walkability characteristics in the form of an area that still has limited facilities to be able to support pedestrian activities in it. So that it is necessary to follow up in the form of increasing the quality and quantity of pedestrian path elements to increase the comfort of pedestrian path users in Child Friendly Villages.

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Keywords: Walkability;Pedestrians;Child Friendly Villages

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