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Preferensi Masyarakat Kota Surakarta terhadap Pemilihan Angkutan Umum

*Vania Mirza Eriyanti  -  Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Widjonarko Widjonarko  -  Departemen Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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The growth of Surakarta City that occurs continously, causing an increase in the daily activities of its city community. Surakarta city community are urgently need public transportation service both facilities and infrastructure, to support the increasing daily activities. Surakarta City government creates the Surakarta City Government's Mass Public Transport Facility Improvement Program (SAUM) which aims to reduce the number of private vehicle use in Surakarta City and divert the interest of the public to use Batik Solo Trans (BST). BST procurement as the main public transportation facility in Surakarta are the sub program that include in the SAUM. The steps that will be taken by the city government started by planning the construction of six BST corridors and the gradual replacement of existing public transport to BST. The public transportation that will be replaced are city bus and city transportation (angkot). The problem in the planning is the unbalanced needs of the community for convenient, fast, integrated and inexpensive transportation with the existing public transportation facilities. This causes a reduction in public interest in using public transport. It also causes other problems to arise, namely more and more people who choose to use private vehicles to support their daily activities. Based on the plan of the Surakarta City Government and the situation in the field, the formulation of the problem was formulated with a research question "How big is the preference of the Surakarta City community in using public transportation?".             The purpose of the study is to find out how much the preference of the Surakarta City community in using public transportation. The results of the study can be used as a reference by the City Government in evaluating the SAUM improvement program. The research method used is quantitative research methods. Data collection methods used are primary data questionnaires, secondary data survey agencies. The analytical method used is AHP analysis and descriptive analysis.

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Keywords: Transportation,public transportation,Preferensi Masyarakat, AHP

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