Amelia Maharani, Dessy Kurniawati, Nita Aryanti


Tofu is a popular soy processed food in Indonesia. The tofu made processing has done by the making of
using sintetic coagulants. But general coagulant has some lacts which can influence the quality of tofu.
Meanwhile the selection of natiral components as natural coagulant of tofu in Indonesia production itself
have not been used. That is way in this research, the making of tofu will be done by using averrhoa
bilumbi, citrus acid, and chitosan as natural coagulants. It surrounds some steps that is coagulants
preparation, measurement of acidity of coagulants, preparation of soymilk, until preparation of tofu. The
proximate analysis of tofu is yield of tofu analysis, crude protein analysis and moisture content analysis.
This research show that the use of comersiil coagulants (CaSO4) results lower yield than natural
coagulants. The effects of additon of natural coagulants in making process of tofu, which natural
coagulants each other has positive effects and negative effects itself, but generally the use of natural
coagulants has positive effects than comersiil coagulants CaSO4. In next research it will be better to do
analysis of parameter of tofu texture besides hardness, they are cohessiveness, springiness, and
chewiness to get more complete discussion. It need too add the other variable in knowing the effects of
the quality of tofu like pH, temperature, mixing speed, coagulation time and many more.


tofu, natural coagulant, averrhoa bilumbi, citrus lemon, chitosan.

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