Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Efektivitas Kerja Dinas Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah (DPKAD) Kota Semarang dalam Penarikan Pajak Reklame di Kota Semarang
Achievement of Organization Direction Attainment on Regional Asset and Financial Management Agency (RAFMA) of Semarang City in advertisement tax collection, become the backround of this research. Purpose of this research were giving contribution and increasing Local Revenue. The problem that happen how was work effectiveness on RAFMA in advertisement tax collection on Semarang City? Purpose of this research was to conceiving and analyzing RAFMA effectiveness in advertisement tax collection on Semarang City, based on Factors that affecting the implementation.
An attempt to answer the problem and research objectives is done by using the theory of measuring the effectiveness of the Organization as well as the effectiveness of contributor criteria as factors that affect the organization. The object of research is the field of tax areas are located in Regional Asset and Financial Management Agency (RAFMA) of Semarang City.
The result showed that RAFMA of Semarang City “is not effective”, in a bid to accomplishment of an objective related to tax collection ads in semarang city. It is affected by factors such as a shortage of employees and equipment, the division of work is too obvious, which has not been service system still complicated, the absence of a valid about the amount of data ads in the city of semarang, and the problem of the low public awareness to pay the tax billboard.
Advised to RAFMA of Semarang City acted more innovative and active by sending through the other media, as a magazine, radio, or website belonging to the department. Centralizing budget for facilities and infrastructures are lacking. Cooperate with dinas-dinas related for collecting data reëxamined against ads spread in city semarang.Repair service system using “One Stop Service (OSS) System” system or one roof service system.