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Parameter Lingkungan, Kadar Air dan NaCl Bunga Garam (Fleur De Sel)

Bisri Khairul Mu’min  -  Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia
*Ary Giri Dwi Kartika  -  Departement of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Jl. Raya Telang PO BOX 2, Kamal, Bangkalan, Indonesia 69162, Indonesia
Makhfud Efendy  -  Program Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

How to cite (IEEE): B. K. Mu’min, A. G. D. Kartika, and M. Efendy, "Parameter Lingkungan, Kadar Air dan NaCl Bunga Garam (Fleur De Sel)," Journal of Marine Research, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 570-580, Nov. 2021.
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu, parameter lingkungan terbentuknya bunga garam, kadar air, kadar NaCl serta ukuran luas rata-rata kristal bunga garam.Penelitian dilakukan di meja kristalisasi dengan sistem katup PT. Anta Tirta Karisma, Sumenep. Parameter lingkungan yang terdiri dari kelembapan, suhu udara, suhu air, laju penguapan, kecepatan angin dan intensitas cahaya diukur tiap 6 jam. Analisa kadar NaCl dan air menggunakan SNI 8207-2016. Bunga garam pertama kali terbentuk di meja kristalisasi pada saat malam hari sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB - 01.00 WIB dan mengendap sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB pada derajat konsentrasi air laut antara yaitu 25oBe - 26 oBe.Rata-rata nilai parameter lingkungan selama hari pengamatan dalam proses pembentukan bunga garam (fleur de sel) diantaranya adalah kecepatan angin 2,56-2,58 knots dengan arah angin 115,71o (timur menenggara), kelembaban udara 70,33%-70,43%, intensitas cahaya matahari 6,47-10,47 Kj/m2, suhu air 34,8-36,18 oC, suhu udara 30,63-31,40oC, laju penguapan 0,4-2,6 mm/hari, dengan lama penyinaran matahari 9,27 jam perhari tanpa terjadi hujan (curah hujan = 0). Kadar air dan NaCl bunga garam masing-masing adala 4.2%-6.01% kadar air dan 88.92%-90.47%.


The purpose of this study was to determine the time, environmental parameters for the formation of salt flowers, water content, NaCl content and the average size of salt flower crystals. The research was carried out at the crystallizer with a tunnel system owned by PT. Anta Tirta Karisma, Sumenep. environmental parameters consisting of humidity, air temperature, water temperature, evaporation rate, wind speed and light intensity were measured every 6 hours. Analysis of NaCl and moisture content using SNI 8207-2016. The salt flowers first forms on the crystallizer at night around 19.00 WIB - 01.00 WIB and settles at around 07.00 WIB at a seawater density between 25oBe - 26oBe. The average value of environmental parameters during the day of observation in the flower formation process salt (fleur de sel) including wind speed 2.56-2.58 knots with wind direction 115.71o (east-southeast), air humidity 70.33%-70.43%, sunlight intensity 6.47-10, 47 Kj/m2, water temperature 34.8-36.18 oC, air temperature 30.63-31.40oC, evaporation rate 0.4-2.6 mm/day, with 9.27 hours of sunshine per day without any rain (rainfall = 0). The water content and NaCl of flower salt were 4.2%-6.01% water content and 88.92%-90.47%, respectively.

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Keywords: curah hujan; garam; kristalisasi; Sumenep

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