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KUALITAS PELAYANAN PADA BANK JAWA TENGAH (Studi Kasus : Bank Jateng Cabang Tembalang)

How to cite (IEEE): Y. D. Monica, A. Hoyyi, and M. A. Mukid, "KUALITAS PELAYANAN PADA BANK JAWA TENGAH (Studi Kasus : Bank Jateng Cabang Tembalang)," Jurnal Gaussian, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 425 - 434, Oct. 2013. - 434
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Service attendance quality is superiority level which is be expected and control above its superiority level for satisfying consumen's desire. In this case, there are 5 service quality dimensions. Those are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty. This research study was doing at Bank Jateng, where the respondents are the customer of Bank Jateng. Importance Performance Analysis consist of two components, there are quadrant analysis and discrepancy analysis (gap). Quadran analysis can find out the respond of cusumens against variable which has plotted based on interest and performance level from those variables. While gap analysis is being used for perceiving discrepancy between performance of a variable with the expectation from consumen against its variable. Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is used for discovering overall satisfaction level of customers. The T2 hotelling control chart is to know the qualiy controlof two or more related quality characteristics. Result of the research is showing that for quadran analysis, those variables which representing 5 service quality dimensions be located spread in different quadran. For gap analysis, the service perormance of a bank represented by 20 variables who representing 5 service quality dimensions, all of which is still under customers expectation. CSI value aa big as 72,22% which is mean customers satisfaction index is on the satisfaction criteria. On T Hotelling chart is said that the process is not restrained statistically yet because there are 4 points is on the top of control chart
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Keywords: Service Quality; Importance-Performance Analysis; Customer Satisfaction Index; Hotelling T2 Control Chart

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