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PERBANDINGAN FUZZY TIME SERIES DENGAN METODE CHEN DAN METODE S. R. SINGH (Studi Kasus : Nilai Impor di Jawa Tengah Periode Januari 2014 – Desember 2019)

*Febyani Rachim  -  Departemen Statistika, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Tarno Tarno  -  Departemen Statistika, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Sugito Sugito  -  Departemen Statistika, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
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Import is one of the efforts of an area to meet the needs of its population in order to stabilize prices and maintain stock availability. The value of imports in Central Java throughout 2016 amounted to 8811.05 Million US Dollars. The value of imports in Central Java is the top 10 in all provinces in Indonesia with a percentage of 6.50%. Import data in Central Java is included in the time series data category. To maintain the stability of imports in Central Java, it is deemed necessary to make a plan based on a statistical model. One of the time series models that can be applied is the fuzzy time series model with the Chen method approach and the S. R. Singh method because the method is suitable for cyclical patterned data with monthly time periods such as Import data in Central Java. Important concepts in the preparation of the model are fuzzy sets, membership functions, set basic operators, fuzzy variables, universe sets and domains. The fuzzy time series modeling procedure is carried out through several stages, namely the determination of universe discourse which is divided into several intervals, then defines the fuzzy set so that it can be performed fuzzification. After that the fuzzy logical relations and fuzzy logical group relations are determined. The accuracy calculation in both methods uses symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error (sMAPE). In this study the sMAPE value obtained in the Fuzzy Time Series Chen method of 10.95% means that it shows good forecasting ability. While the sMAPE value on the Fuzzy Time Series method of S. R. Singh method by 5.50% shows very good forecasting ability. It can be concluded that the sMAPE value in the S. R. Singh fuzzy time series method is better than the Chen method.

Keywords: Import value, fuzzy time series , Chen, S. R. Singh, sMAPE

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Keywords: Import value, fuzzy time series , Chen, S. R. Singh, sMAPE

Article Metrics:

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