ABSTRACT The study was conducted in three stages: 1) extraction of tannin tea waste, 2) protection of feedstuff protein using tannin extract, 3) test fermentability coconut cake that has been protected with the dregs of tea tannins in vitro. The parameters measured were the production of ammonia, undegraded proteins and total protein. The experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment consists of T0 (coconut + tannin 0%), T1 (+ coconut cake tannins 0.25%), T2 (coconut + tannin 0.50%), T3 (coconut + tannin 0.75%). The data obtained with the analysis conducted various statistical tests and if there are further differences tested using Duncan's Multiple Range Test to determine differences between treatments. The results showed that the protective tannins in tea coconut meal protein can lower ammonia concentration (P <0.05) and increased the proportion of undegraded proteins (P <0.05) and increased production of total protein (P <0.05). The average production of ammonia T0 (3.73 mM) T1 (3.34 mM) T2 (3.25 mM) T3 (2.76 mM), undegraded protein T0 (39.42%) T1 (43.18% ) T2 (42.24%) T3 (41.31%) and total protein T0 (245.35 mg / g) T1 (272.33 mg / g) T2 (311.78 mg / g) T3 (351.48 mg / g). Conclusions from this research that uses tannin protein protection against coconut tea dregs shown to reduce the production of ammonia, increasing undegraded protein and total protein. ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan dalam tiga tahap : 1) ekstraksi tanin ampas teh, 2) proteksi bahan pakan sumber protein menggunakan ekstrak tanin, 3) uji fermentabilitas bungkil kelapa yang telah diproteksi dengan tanin ampas teh secara in vitro. Parameter yang diamati adalah produksi amonia, protein tidak terdegradasi dan protein total. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan Rancangan acak lengkap dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari T0 (bungkil kelapa+tannin 0 %), T1 (bungkil kelapa+tanin 0,25%), T2 (bungkil kelapa+tanin 0,50%), T3 (bungkil kelapa+tanin 0,75%). Data yang diperoleh dilaksanakan uji statistik dengan analisis ragam dan apabila terdapat perbedaan dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan Duncan Multiple Range Test untuk mengetahui beda antar perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proteksi tanin ampas teh pada protein bungkil kelapa dapat menurunkan konsentrasi amonia (P<0,05) dan meningkatkan proporsi protein tidak terdegradasi (P<0,05) serta meningkatkan produksi protein total (P<0,05). Rata-rata produksi amonia T0 (3,73 mM) T1 (3,34 mM) T2 (3,25 mM) T3 (2,76 mM), protein tidak terdegradasi T0 (39,42 %) T1 (43,18 %) T2 (42,24 %) T3 (41,31 %) dan protein total T0 (245,35 mg/g) T1 (272,33 mg/g) T2 (311,78 mg/g) T3 (351,48 mg/g). Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu proteksi protein menggunakan tanin ampas teh terhadap bungkil kelapa terbukti menurunkan produksi amonia, meningkatkan protein tidak terdegradasi dan protein total.
bungkil kelapa; fermentabilitas protein, in vitro
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