The study aimed to assess the effect increased with the addition of nutrient rations Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a source of pre-probiotics on fertility and embryonic mortality of breeder kedu hen. The materials in use are 90 black kedu chickens in a year production period with weight 1636,13 g 109, 51 for females and 1850,54 g 120,89 for males, and yeast breads (fermipan) as a source of S. cerevisiae. The ration consists of corn, concentrate, premix, rice bran, fish flour, soybean meal, lime, and shell flour. The design of experiment that is used is complete randomized design (CRD) 2x3 factorial with 3 replications. The first factor is the type of breeder ration (R1) and improved ration (R2), the second factor is the level of addition of yeast bread of 0% (S0), 2% (S1) and 4% (S2) of the ration given. The result of this research showed that there was no interaction (P>0,05) between the ration improvement and the level of yeast nread to the value of ration consumption of breeder’s kedu chicken for eggs fertility and embryo mortility. The addition of yeast bread factor significantly increase egg fertility and reduce embryo mortality, especially the addition of 2% (S1) than unleavened bread (S0) and the addition of 4% (S2). Based on the results, it can be concluded that administration of yeast as much as 2% can improve fertility by reduce embryo mortality in breeder kedu chickens.
Key words: Kedu hen, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fertility and embryonic mortality.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji akibat peningkatan nutrien ransum disertai penambahan S. cerevisiae sebagai sumber pre-probiotik terhadap fertlititas dan mortalitas embrio ayam kedu pebibit. Materi yang digunakan adalah 90 ekor ayam kedu hitam periode produksi umur 1 tahun dengan bobot badan pada betina 1636,13 g ± 109,51 dan pada jantan 1850,54 g ± 120,89, ragi roti (fermipan) sebagai sumber S. cereviciae, ransum terdiri dari jagung, konsentrat, premix, dedak padi, tepung ikan, bungkil kedelai, kapur, dan tepung kulit kerang. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2x3 dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis ransum peternak (R1) dan ransum perbaikan (R2), faktor kedua adalah level penambahan ragi roti yaitu 0% (S0), 2% (S1) dan 4% (S2) dari ransum yang diberikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat interaksi (P>0,05) antara perbaikan ransum dan level ragi roti terhadap nilai konsumsi ransum ayam Kedu pebibit baik terhadap fertilitas telur maupunn mortalitas embrio. Faktor penambahan ragi roti nyata meningkatkan fertlititas telur dan menurunkan mortalitas embrio terutama penambahan 2% (S1) dibandingkan tanpa ragi roti (S0) dan penambahan 4% (S2). Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ragi roti sebanyak 2% dapat meningkatkan fertilitas dengan penurunan angka mortalitas embrio pada ayam Kedu pebibit.
Kata kunci: ayam kedu, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fertilitas dan mortalitas embrio
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