Ransum protein needs are influenced by the amount required for basic living,
growth, and production. Cotton seed oilcake potential as a protein supplement for
animal feed because protein that present in cotton seed oilcake reaches 29.57 to
31.13%. Cotton seed oilcake containing high protein and good quality given to
ruminants largely degraded by microbes in the rumen, so that influence to the
efficiency of protein utilization. Protein is one of the important nutrients needed by
ruminants at various levels of production and the various phases of his life. A high
protein in feed ingredients needs to be done protection that are not easily degraded
by rumen microbes Protection of proteins can be done in several ways, namely
physical, chemical and biological. The study aims to assess fermentability feed
ingredients protein source that is protected by tannins from extracts of tea waste in
terms of measuring the concentration of NH3, Undegraded Protein and total protein
production. The results showed that the concentration of ammonia in cotton seed
oilcake protected with increased of tannin levels decrease NH3 concentration and
increase the levels of UDP (p <0.05) and increase total protein. The average of NH3
concentration, UDP and total protein in T0, T1, T2, T3 consecutive are (7,52 mM;
10,91%; 369,62 mg/g), (6,60 mM; 11,45%; 439,50mg/g), (6,55 mM; 12,41%;
457,35 mg/g), (6,32 mM; 13,44%; 514,95 mg/g). The conclusions of this study that
the cotton seed oilcake protected dregs of tea tannin extracts with level 0,25%,
0,50% and 0,75% can decrease the concentration of NH3, increase UDP and total
protein. The protection level of Cotton seed oilcake with tannin extract the best tea
waste is level 0,75% (% b/b BK).
growth, and production. Cotton seed oilcake potential as a protein supplement for
animal feed because protein that present in cotton seed oilcake reaches 29.57 to
31.13%. Cotton seed oilcake containing high protein and good quality given to
ruminants largely degraded by microbes in the rumen, so that influence to the
efficiency of protein utilization. Protein is one of the important nutrients needed by
ruminants at various levels of production and the various phases of his life. A high
protein in feed ingredients needs to be done protection that are not easily degraded
by rumen microbes Protection of proteins can be done in several ways, namely
physical, chemical and biological. The study aims to assess fermentability feed
ingredients protein source that is protected by tannins from extracts of tea waste in
terms of measuring the concentration of NH3, Undegraded Protein and total protein
production. The results showed that the concentration of ammonia in cotton seed
oilcake protected with increased of tannin levels decrease NH3 concentration and
increase the levels of UDP (p <0.05) and increase total protein. The average of NH3
concentration, UDP and total protein in T0, T1, T2, T3 consecutive are (7,52 mM;
10,91%; 369,62 mg/g), (6,60 mM; 11,45%; 439,50mg/g), (6,55 mM; 12,41%;
457,35 mg/g), (6,32 mM; 13,44%; 514,95 mg/g). The conclusions of this study that
the cotton seed oilcake protected dregs of tea tannin extracts with level 0,25%,
0,50% and 0,75% can decrease the concentration of NH3, increase UDP and total
protein. The protection level of Cotton seed oilcake with tannin extract the best tea
waste is level 0,75% (% b/b BK).
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