Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji respon sapi perah laktasi terhadap pemberian temulawak dan seng proteinat pada konsumsi dan produksi protein susu. Materi yang digunakan adalah 16 ekor sapi perah Peranakan Friesian Holstein. Ransum mengandung protein kasar 15% dan total digestible nutriens 65%, tersusun dari rumput gajah, rumput lapang, ampas tahu dan konsentrat pabrik. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah T0 = Ransum kontrol, T1 = Ransum kontrol+ 2% suplemen temulawak, T2 = Ransum kontrol + 40 mg/kg Zn proteinat, T3 = Ransum kontrol+ 2% temulawak + 40 mg/kg Zn proteinat. Parameter yang diamati meliputi konsumsi bahan kering, protein kasar dan produksi protein susu. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah ganda Duncan untuk menguji perbedaan antar perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi temulawak menghasilkan konsumsi bahan kering lebih tinggi dibanding kontrol (12,45 kg vs 12,61 kg) tetapi tidak menghasilkan konsumsi protein kasar lebih tinggi (1798 g vs 1802 g). Suplementasi seng proteinat menghasilkan konsumsi bahan kering tidak berbeda dengan kontrol (12,51 kg vs 12,45 kg) tetapi menghasilkan konsumsi protein kasar lebih tinggi (1827 g vs 1802 g). Kombinasi suplementasi temulawak dan seng proteinat menghasilkan konsumsi bahan kering paling tinggi (12,70 kg) dan konsumsi protein kasar lebih tinggi dibanding kontrol (1826 g vs 1802 g). Meskipun secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata, suplementasi seng proteinat (T2) menghasilkan produksi protein susu tertinggi, sedangkan suplementasi temulawak cenderung menurunkan (T1 dan T3). Produksi protein susu masing-masing perlakuan T0, T1, T2, dan T3 yaitu sebesar 268 g, 246 g, 324 g, dan 296 g. Disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi temulawak meningkatkan konsumsi bahan kering tetapi menurunkan produksi protein susu. sedangkan suplementasi seng proteinat dapat meningkatkan konsumsi protein kasar maupun produksi protein susu. Konsumsi bahan kering, protein kasar dan produksi protein susu meningkat dengan suplementasi keduanya.
Kata kunci : sapi perah, produksi susu, temulawak, seng proteinat.
The research aims to study the response of temulawak and Zn proteinate as feed supplementation on feed intake and milk protein production of dairy cow. The diets consist by elephant grass, field grass, tofu waste and concentrate that content TDN 65% and CP 15% (10-15 liter milk production). The materials used were 16 dairy cow (PFH) lactation. This research used was Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 4 groups. Parameters observed were dry matter intake, crude protein intake, milk protein level and milk protein production. The data obtained were then analyzed using varians analyzed and then using Duncan to test the different between the treatment. The result showed that temulawak can be produced dry matter intake higher than control (12,61 kg vs 12,45 kg) but produced crude protein intake lower than control (1798 g vs 1802 g), whereas Zn proteinat can be produced dry matter intake not different with control (12,51 kg vs 12,45 kg) but produced crude protein intake higher than control (1827 g vs 1802 g). Combination of temulawak and Zn proteinat can produced the highest dry matter intake (12,70 kg) and crude protein intake higher than control (1826 g vs 1802 g). Although no significantly in statistic, supplementation of Zn proteinate (T2) was able to produced the highest milk protein production, whereas supplementation of Curcuma xanthorrhiza decreased milk protein production (T1 and T3). Milk protein production did not significantly of T0, T1, T2, and T3 (268 g, 246 g, 324 g, and 296 g). Based on the result in this research, it could be concluded that the supplementation of temulawak were increased dry matter intake, but decreased milk protein production. Supplementation of Zn proteinate were not increased dry matter intake, but increased milk protein production. Both of the supplemen have been able to increased dry matter, crude protein intake and milk protein production.
Key words : dairy cow, milk production, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Zn proteinate.
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