Yuniar Hudayatulloh, Edi Prasetyo, Kustopo Budiraharjo


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui profitabilitas dan hubungan antara jumlah karkas, jumlah ternak yang dipotong, harga beli ternak hidup dan biaya tidak tetap selain biaya beli ternak hidup dengan pendapatan jagal sapi serta pendapatan jagal babi di RPH Penggaron Kota Semarang dan mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan pada jagal sapi dan jagal babi di RPH Penggaron Kota Semarang. Untuk mengetahui hubungan jumlah karkas, jumlah ternak yang dipotong, biaya beli ternak hidup, dan biaya tidak tetap selain biayabeli ternak hidup dengan pendapatan menggunakan korelasi Rank Spearman. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara pendapatan jagal sapi dengan jagal babi menggunakan Independent Sample t Test Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata–rata pendapatan jagal sapi di RPH Penggaron sebesar Rp. 138.897.137 dengan rata-rata pemotongan sebanyak 87,5 ekor per bulan dan profitabilitas sebesar 15,38 % dan rata – rata pendapatan jagal babi sebesar Rp. 73.584.996 dengan rata-rata jumlah pemotongan sebanyak 29 ekor per bulan dan profitabilitas sebesar 91,27 Pada jagal sapi ada hubunga yang sangat kuat antara jumlah karkas, jumlah ternak yang di potong, harga beli ternak hidup dan biaya tidak tetap selain biaya beli ternak hidup dengan pendapatan. Pada jagal babi terdapat hubungan yang sangat kuat antara harga beli ternak hidup, hubungan yang kuat pada biaya tidak tetap selain biaya beli ternak hidup dengan pendapatan. Sedangkan jumlah karkas dan ternak yang dipotong tidak berhubungan dengan pendapatan. Pada uji Independent sample t-test untuk menguji perbedaan pendapatan jagal sapi dan jagal babi didapatka hasil bahwa pendapatan jagal sapi dan jagal babi itu berbeda nyata

Kata kunci : pendapatan; jagal sapi; jagal babi


This researching was conducted to determine the context of profitability between the number of carcasses, the number of cattle slaughtered, the price of cattle which is still alive and variable costs besides the price of cattle which is still alive with incoming of cattle slaughterer and slaughterer of pigs in the slaughterhouse income in Penggaron Semarang and to know the differences between income on cattle slaughterer and pig slaughterer in slaughterhouses Penggaron Semarang. To determine the context of the number of carcasses, the number of cattle slaughtered, the price of cattle which is still alive, and variable costs besides the cattle which is still alive using the Spearman Rank correlation. While to know the difference between revenue cattle slaughtering and pigs slaughtering are using independent sample t test The results showed the incoming average of cattle slaughterer in the cattle slaughtering Penggaron Rp. 138,897,137 with an average of partitition as many as 87.5 birds per month and profitability of 15.38% and average - the incoming average of pig slaughtering Rp. 73,584,996 with an average amount of cutting as many as 29 fish per month and profitability at 91.27 the cattle slaughterhouse there is a very strong correlation between the number of carcasses, the number of cattle slaughtered, the price of cattle which is still alive and variable costs besides the price of cattle which is still alive with incoming. In the pig slaughtering there was a strong correlation strong relationships on variable costs other than the cost of buying cattle live on. While the number of cattle slaughtered and carcass are not related with incoming. At trial of Independent at sample t-test to make a n incoming test between cattle slaughtering and pigs slaughtering turn out totally

Keywords: income; Cattle-Slaughtering; pigs-Sloughtering


pendapatan; jagal sapi; jagal babi ; income; Cattle-Slaughtering; pigs-Sloughtering

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