KANDUNGAN PESTISIDA ORGANOKLORIN DAGING AYAM ROILER YANG DIBERI GULMA Salvinia molesta RAWA PENING SEBAGAI CAMPURAN PAKAN (Organochlorine Content Of Broiler Administered With S. molesta Containing Feed Of Rawa Pening’s Weed)

Rima Adhika Mahacitra, Bambang Sukamto, Bambang Dwiloka




Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui adanya pengaruh pemberian gulma S. molesta Rawa Pening sebagai campuran pakan terhadap kandungan organoklorin pada daging ayam broiler. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daging komposit ayam yang diperoleh dari 16 ekor pemotongan ayam, dalam 100 ekor pemeliharaan ayam broiler strain Lohman selama 42 hari dengan bobot rata-rata 1-1,5 kg. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap, meliputi tahap persiapan dan pemeliharaan ayam, pemotongan ayam, preparasi sampel, dan analisis dengan alat Gas Chromatography (GC). Rancangan percobaan yang dipergunakan dalam pemeliharaan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali (To = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 0 %; T1 = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 6 %; T2 = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 12 %; T3 = ransum dengan S. molesta sebanyak 18 %). Analisis total organoklorin menggunakan 16 sampel daging komposit ayam dari 4 perlakuan 4 ulangan acak. Analisis profil organoklorin menggunakan 4 sampel daging komposit ayam dari 4 perlakuan. Data kandungan total organoklorin dianalisis dengan uji F (One Way Anova) pada taraf signifikansi (α) = 0,05. Dilanjutkan dengan uji wilayah ganda Duncan, pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SPSS 16. Sedangkan data kandungan profil organoklorin dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan perlakuan sampai taraf 18 % pada ayam broiler nyata berpengaruh (P<0,05) terhadap kandungan organoklorin pada daging ayam. Analisis total organoklorin menunjukkan adanya kenaikan secara signifikan sebesar 0,05 ppm; 0,09 ppm; 0,14 ppm; dan 0,18 ppm. Analisis profil organoklorin pada semua taraf pemberian dinyatakan tidak terdeteksi karena hasil analisis masih di bawah ambang batas deteksi.

Kata kunci : pestisida organoklorin; daging ayam broiler



The goal of this research is to examine whether there is an effect of giving S. molesta weed in Rawa Pening as the composition for brolier chicken ration. The ration contains of organochlorine pesticides. Material given in this research are chicken meats from 16 cut up of the chickens. These chicken are from 100 broiler chickens strain Lohman which have been raised for about 42 days. The approximate mass of chicken body for each chicken is about 1 up to 1.5 kilograms. This reserach used several stages. The stages are preparation and raising the chickens, cutting up the chickens, preparation for the samples, and the analysis by using Gas Chromatography (CG) procedure. The design of the research used in the raising the chickens is Complete Random Design with 4 treatments which for each treatments has been done in four times treatment (To = Broiler ration with 0 % of S. molesta; T1 = Broiler ration with 6 % of S. molesta; T2 = Broiler ration with 12 % of S. molesta; T3 = Broiler ration with 18 % of S. molesta). The analysis for total organochlorine used 16 samples of chicken meats with 4 treatments by 4 times random repetitions. The analysis for the organochlorine profile used 4 samples of chicken Broiler meat by 4 treatments. The data about the content of total organochlorine was analyzed with F test (One Way Anova) in significant range (α) = 0.05. Then, continuing the analysis was by using double region test Duncan, processing of the data was used SPSS 16.0 program. While, the data about the content of organochlorine profile was analyzed descriptively. The result of  the research showed that the ration with treatment until 18 % for the broiler chicken has affected (P<0.05) towards organochlorine for chicken meat. The total analysis in organochlorine shows that there is a siginicant increase. The increasing data are 0.05 ppm; 0.09 ppm; 0.14 ppm; dan 0.18 ppm. It has been stated that all the analysis for organochlorine profile for all the giving ration could not be detected because the result was still beyond the detection limit.

Key words: organochlorine pesticides; broiler chicken meat


pestisida organoklorin; daging ayam broiler; organochlorine pesticides; broiler chicken meat

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